CANCELLED – Grattonbury 2020
The Gratton The Gratton, Sutton Scotney, Hampshire, United KingdomSadly, due to the ongoing COVID-19 circumstances, we've had to cancel Grattonbury 2020.
Sadly, due to the ongoing COVID-19 circumstances, we've had to cancel Grattonbury 2020.
Tennis Coaching is back on the Gratton. from Monday 17th to 19th August Martin Terrill will be running COVID Safe classes from 9:30am to 12:30 pm each day Spaces are limited so don't delay! Contact or phone on 07801 056 905
Sadly the decision to cancel the Circus this year has been made however we will be running it in 2021!
Come and join us for some spooky activities for all the family!
TABLE TENNIS OPENING On Sunday 27th June at 3pm there will be a table tennis grand opening and demonstration. Tea, coffee and cake will be available. So grab your bats and come along!!!
Grattonbury is back on 14th August 2021. Keep this date free!!!! Food, drinks etc will be available. Come and see local bands Great entertainment for all ages. Posters to follow