Summer Review

Quite a lot has happened on the Gratton over the summer of 2022.

We again held tennis coaching sessions in the school summer holidays – they were fully booked as always!

The playground has been given a face-lift with repairs to the boat, replacement of the old damaged ‘wobble board’ and repainting of the equipment.

The tennis court fencing brought down by storm Eunice has at last been replaced. All the benches and picnic tables have been repainted. We have also replaced a couple of
trees (each side of Pete Burton’s memorial bench) which didn’t survive the long hot summer despite fairly regular watering.

The boardwalk that was opened during our Queen’s Jubilee celebrations seems to be a great success and is being used by many visitors to the Gratton. We have recently installed Information Boards at each end of the boardwalk describing flora and fauna that may (with luck!) be spotted along its route. Those walking the boardwalk may have noticed a considerable build-up of silt in the river, even on the previously pristine ‘beach’ area. We are endeavouring to obtain advice from the Environment Agency as to whether we can do anything to remedy this, or whether it just needs a few weeks of autumn or winter rain to raise the water level and wash it away.

We have one other imminent addition to the Gratton: we obtained a Tesco Community Grant earlier in the year which is going to be used to plant a small fruit orchard. We have therefore ordered a total of eight half-standard trees (four apple, two pear and to plum) which should arrive in November or December – apparently the ideal time to plant bare-rooted trees. We are proposing to locate this orchard to the south of the ten-tree birch coppice located near the allotment corner. We will be asking able-bodied local residents to come and help
us dig the holes and plant these trees so that it really will become Your community orchard.

The final event on the Gratton this year was our Halloween party on Saturday 29th October.

Halloween 2022

The Gratton Recreation Area cannot thrive without funding. With this in mind we have already pencilled in the following events for next year: a ‘one-off’ car boot sale, probably in April; a Fun Dog Show in May; the Grattonbury music festival and our bi-annual visiting circus (dates to be finalised). There is also a chance we might try to hold a sponsored walk or fun run.

The above fundraising events are essential for us, but they do not alone raise the £12,000 or so per annum that we need just to maintain the Gratton. Donations from local residents also help massively. If you use the Gratton, and think it is an amenity that is worth preserving and keeping in good condition, please consider becoming a Friend of The Gratton. Membership is £25 per annum. Alternatively a one-off contribution would be gratefully received!

If you would like to join or contribute please contact me on 07787 528982 or email me

Richard Solomons, The Gratton Trust