The ongoing maintenance and project work that ensures the Gratton continues to support our local community cannot be achieved without your generous support.
The best and simplest way you can support the Gratton is with a regular or one-off bank transfer from your account to ours. That way there is no administrative cost to either of us and the Trust gets 100% of your donation. This can be done with our details below:
Account Name: The Gratton Trust
Account Number: 72205560
Sort Code: 30-99-50
Bank: Lloyds Bank
Reference: Surname/donation
If you are a UK tax payer be sure to complete and submit a gift aid declaration, so that the Trust can claim back an extra 25% on top of your donation.
Submit completed gift aid declarations to
Alternatively you can access our LocalGiving page through which you can donate. Please be advised LocalGiving will charge you a donation fee to cover their costs.
We currently have a specific lawnmower appeal, which has it’s own donation page.
A third, and novel, way you can donate is every time you do online shopping, through EasyFundraising.
Lastly, you can also nominate the Gratton Trust for a ‘Movement for Good‘ award of £1000 from the Benefact Group. All you have to do is nominate us, which is easiest done by providing our registered charity number: 1095628.
The Trustees are most grateful and give thanks for any and all donations made to support their efforts.