Although you might not think it, wildflower banks do require some maintenance to keep them diverse and healthy. Last week a troop of trustees armed themselves with gloves and loppers to tackle the growing problem of Teasles.
Teasles are known to form a monoculture. They are so good at self seeding that they can crowd out other plants. So 6 trustees spent 3 hours clearing out the Teasles from the wildflower bank. They will of course grow back next year, and may need clearing again, but hopefully not in the same numbers. The hope is that other species will now have a chance to flourish.
It is acknowledged that Teasel seeds are a favourite food source for Chaffinches, and so birdwatchers will be relieved to hear there are plenty of Teasels for them on western side of the car park.
Our sincere thanks to Babette Bond, Richard Solomons, Mark North, Alison Pletts, Alison Longman and Benn Hitchen for giving up their evening to swelter in the humid heat and de-teasle the whole length of the wildflower bank.